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Stock Transactions Can Complicate Taxes If Not Properly Reported

Submitted by admin on Fri, 3/2/2018 - 10:31 pm

Stock transactions can complicate taxes if not properly reported, and dealing with the IRS can be complicated trying to resolve it.  There are many little things that you really have to learn to navigate, that can really impact a taxpayer’s...


Sacramento Tax Attorney Found 5 Great Tax Refund Uses

Submitted by Tax Tiger on Tue, 4/19/2016 - 9:33 pm

Waiting on your tax refund to come in gives you time to think about how you would like to spend your exciting boost of money. While not all taxpayers receive a federal tax income, the Internal Revenue Service says that...


IRS Tax Lawyers Say Follow 3 Steps When Tax Planning

Submitted by Tax Tiger on Tue, 4/19/2016 - 9:27 pm

In order to not worry about your taxes anymore – sometimes you just have to sit down and get them done. We understand that’s easier said than done, but there is nothing worse than procrastinating on your taxes. By not...


Delaying May Cost You Tax Attorney in San Francisco Says

Submitted by Tax Tiger on Tue, 4/19/2016 - 8:46 pm

Are you one of those people who like to wait till the last minute to get things done? Maybe you work better under pressure, but procrastination doesn’t mesh so well when it comes to filing taxes. Tax Tiger, a tax...


San Diego Tax Lawyer Has Pointers for Tipped Workers

Submitted by Tax Tiger on Tue, 4/19/2016 - 7:11 pm

Are you someone who works in a restaurant as a bartender or a server? Maybe you deliver pizza, give people massages, or drive a taxi for a living. What do all of these completely different jobs have in common? They...


Should You File Jointly? IRS Tax Attorneys Say It Depends

Submitted by Tax Tiger on Mon, 3/7/2016 - 6:34 pm

Getting married means you get to share almost everything with your spouse – your life, a home, food, bills, and more. But one thing you don’t have to share is your tax return. The truth is, it just depends on...


Tax Attorney in San Francisco on How to Avoid IRS Trouble

Submitted by Tax Tiger on Mon, 3/7/2016 - 6:11 pm

Nobody wants to be on the bad side of the Internal Revenue Service. That’s why it’s important to make a huge effort on filling out your taxes correctly and filing them on time. Because taxes are so complicated, here are...