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4 Questions to Ask Your IRS Tax Attorney

Submitted by Tax Tiger on Fri, 10/2/2015 - 6:44 pm

When it comes to dealing with paperwork from the IRS, it’s not uncommon to feel unclear and confused about what is exactly going on. In order to prevent that apprehension from getting out of control, hiring an IRS tax attorney would be an excellent solution. Because you will trust this tax lawyer to take care of important issues for you, you are going to want to make sure you are choosing a candid and superior one. Ask these 4 questions when contacting IRS Tax attorneys to leave your uncertainty in the dust.Sitting businessman under question marks

1. Do you specialize in any specific kind of tax law?

There are various kinds of tax law that may be more suited for your case than others. You are going to want a lawyer who knows the exact kind of assistance you need and not one who specializes in legal issues unrelated to your situation. By finding out what they specialize in can better help you know if this tax lawyer is suitable for your case.

2. Do you practice any other areas of law?

While you want an attorney who is very knowledgeable when it comes to Tax Law, it doesn’t hurt for them to be well versed in other laws as well. If your IRS issues go beyond your taxes, having a tax attorney who can take care of your other needs is a big plus.

3. Do you have an Attorney License in other states?

If you have moved around a lot or have assets in different states than the one you currently live in, you will want to find a tax attorney who is licensed in those states. Each state is different in the way of tax laws so it would be beneficial to have an attorney who knows what those are.

4. How does the money situation work?

The cost of hiring an IRS tax attorney can be expensive while others quite reasonable. Make sure to be forthright about your financial concerns. Learn if they charge hourly or if they charge a flat rate. You are going to want a contract written up in order to prevent any confusion about legal fees.

Just remember, it never hurts to ask questions!